Wednesday, November 7, 2012

White Knight Chronicles II Review

When it comes to Role Playing Games I have always been a Final Fantasy fanatic. Ever since I started gaming and got my first ever RPG, FFVII, the standard for RPGs got higher and the clamor to play the succeeding and previous FFs came after. So when I got a copy of White Knight Chronicles II, I didn't know what to expect.

Premium Heart :)

White Knight Chronicles II (or WKC2) is your typical save the world, save the princess RPG. While its battle system is reminiscent of Kingdom Heart's, but with a twist. The story revolves around your 5 main characters: Leonard, Yulie, Eldore, Caesar, & Kara, and their quest to defeat the revived Kingdom of Yshrenia from taking over the entire world. The battle is a recollection of the vicious and brutal Dogma Wars which happened 10,000 years ago between the Yshrenian and Athwani empires. During the course of the game Leonard, Caesar, and then Yulie can control giant robot-like beings called Incorruptus.

What makes WKC2 unique is the creation of your own special Avatar character which would fight alongside the other characters, for a total of 6 sprites to control and level up to your liking. But unlike the others, your Avatar has the chance to learn all the different classes to become one heck of a strong character! I remember spending hours just trying to create, mix-n-match, or just play around with the system until I was satisfied with what my Avatar looked like. Another thing to point out is that late in the game, your Avatar would also have the chance to get his/her own Incorruptus.

The online community is something to look forward to as well. This is where you can interact with other Avatars, do guild quests together, buy rare stuff only available online, and buy parts for your Incorruptus that you could not find offline to make it stronger. It would be challenging at first to find friends online, but once you do, you'll forget about going offline and just spend countless hours grinding and doing missions with your fellow Avatars.

Time to meet your maker!

I didn't know what to expect from WKC2, but boy did I enjoy every second and every hour of gameplay experience I spent. Plus, the blu-ray disc includes a remastered version of the original White Knight Chronicles game for you to further play and explore. What's also fun about it is that you can import your Avatar to WKC! For gamers who've been looking for other alternative RPGs to pry their gaming experience on, this is certainly worth a buy. I give White Knight Chronicles II a gargantuan damage score rating of 8/10.

My PSN ID is NinjaKabute. You can also follow me on Twitter to get the latest updates on my blog, PS3 news, manga, the NBA, photography, or just my gaming experience cramped up in 140 characters.


  1. Oh man! I wish I could have enjoyed this as much as you did! Maybe I should give it another try? I don't know... ---12

    1. You just gotta have an open mind to explore the game bro! Look past your experiences with other RPGs (Final Fantasy is the best LOL) and you'll see the beauty of this game :) Try it!

    2. I'm so desperate for a JRPG right now, I might just do it. Currently tho, I'm waiting for Ni No Kuni.


    3. I've been hearing good things about Ni No Kuni so far, or is it just hype? ^^'

  2. Well, I played the demo. Let's just say that if the entire game is like the demo, it will be the best JRPG this gen.


    1. Interesting. Our forums touted it as the game of the month too! Hmm. (thinking of buying it or not)
